Excel - Egy érték megváltoztatása keresési táblázat segítségével


Segítséget kérek egy makró írásakor, amely egy VLOOKUP képletet fog végrehajtani, amely összehasonlítja az 1. lap G2-ben lévő értékét a lap2 lapon lévő A1 értékkel. Ha az értékek megegyeznek, szeretnék helyettesíteni egy értéket a G2 lapon az 1-es lapon a B1-es értéken a 2. lapon. Az ok, amiért az azonos cellában az értéket kell cserélni, mert nem minden cellának van egyezik a keresési táblázatban. Ebben az esetben az eredeti értéknek meg kell maradnia.



 G2 - lap1 A1 B1 - lap2 12345 12345 ABCDE 23456 34567 GHIJK 34567 


 G2 - lap1 A1 B1 - lap2 ABCDE 12345 ABCDE 23456 34567 GHIJK GHIJK 

Ez az, amit eddig kerestem, de minden, amit kapok, az "0" érték az összes cellában.

 Tartomány ("G2") Válassza ki az ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "= VLOOKUP (TRIM (RC [0]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable! R1C1: R2000C2, 2, 0)" Kiválasztás.AutoFill Destination: = tartomány ("G2: G" + sPostDelLastRow ) Tartomány ("F1") 


Megpróbálhat egy ilyen dolgot

 Dim temp As Variant temp = "dummy value dude" On Error Folytatás Következő temp = WorksheetFunction.VLookup (tartomány ("G2"), lapok ("Sheet2"). Tartomány ("A: B"), 2, Hamis) GoTo 0 Ha temp "dummy value dude", akkor Range ("G2") = temp End If 

Ezt mondva, azt hiszem, hogy mit kell tennie, van egy másik oszlop a temp alapján. Hadd mondjuk a H oszlopot az 1. lapon

Keressen ott egy keresést


Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

Range("G2").Select 'doing a look up in temp range H With Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow) 'actual look up. If look up fails, then use corresponding value from G column else use the value of vlookup .FormulaR1C1 = "=ISERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)), RC[-1], VLOOKUP(TRIM(RC[-1]), WCSSCustItemNumLookupTable!R1C1:R2000C2, 2, 0)" .Copy 'copying .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'pasting back as values to eliminate the formula .Copy 'copying again to move to actual G range End With 'copy to G range Range("G2:G" & sPostDelLastRow).PasteSpecial 'clear teamp range Range("H2:H" & sPostDelLastRow).Clear Note Thanks to rizvisa1 for this tip on the forum.

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